McKenna Utilities

Mains Water Repair Installation Moling Kent

Water Services

We are proud of the quality of our work and customer service. We always aim to complete all jobs quickly, efficiently and with minimal disruption. 

Water Leaks Kent London

Water Leak Repairs Kent

McKenna Utilities are specialists in detecting water leaks.

When pipes carrying the water supply are initially laid they do not leak. However, over time some will develop leaks – most often due to movement in the ground that puts pressure on them. This can occur during extremes of weather conditions, both in the winter and the summer. Pipes can leak at points where a join is made. They can also leak by splitting or cracking, which can occur at any point along the pipe if the conditions are right.

A leak is inconvenient but there are steps you can take to work out if you do have a leak on your property. There should be signs that a leak is present, such as a constant damp patch on the ground even in the height of a dry summer. You may also hear water trickling down a drain at times when the supply is not being used.

Modern water meters make it even easier to see whether you have a leak or not. Take a reading and then ensure your taps and other water sources are turned off. If no water is used, the reading on your meter should stay the same. If it increases, this points towards a potential leak.

Water Repairs Kent London

Water Pipe Repairs Kent

McKenna Utilities specialise in the repair of water supply pipes.

We have years of experience with dealing with repairs and maintenance on private or commercial water infrastructure.

Repair and maintenance of the water network include service repairs, water main repairs ranging from 1″ to 42″ along with refurbishment and installation of stop valves and meter valves, pressure reducing valves, check valves, fire hydrants and washouts.

We have all the plant and equipment in house needed to attend an emergency burst with the correct materials to resolve the loss of water quickly and efficiently.

Maintaining your commercial network is an essential process and we also offer full site surveys and valve operations to ensure if the pipes were to fail, you know where to isolate and that the valves operate fully.
We then excavate over the suspected leaking pipe and repair it accordingly.

Impact Moling Kent London

Impact Moling Kent

McKenna Utilities are specialists in impact moling.

Unless there is a specific need for directional drilling or open cut trenching, we can usually employ a method to replace or install your services called Impact Moling.

The impact mole is one of the original and simplest of trenchless technologies and was developed for the installation of small diameter pipes in compressible soils over short distances. Assuming the pre-installation study has been assessed correctly, the installation of a product pipe using an impact mole is relatively simple and straightforward.

Impact moling is frequently used to install gas and water service pipes to proprieties from an access chamber or excavation in a highway for instance thus making road crossing, for instance, possible without digging a trench across the road. Cables can also be installed in this manner with or without ducting, although the provision of a duct is generally regarded as a safer method of cable installation and protection.

Water Pipe Installation Kent London

Mains Water Pipe Installation Kent

McKenna Utilities have extensive knowledge in the installation of water mains.

We can survey, design and install the water main to either feed, commercial units, tower blocks or even streets and towns.

Having installed thousands of water mains over the years, we have all the experience, plant, equipment and knowledge to get the job done on time and on budget.

We are also specialists in under pressure drilling – connecting to the water main without the need to shut it down. We can attach our equipment to the water main, drill and tap live, and connect a fitting with zero disruption to the service of the customer.

Lead Pipe Replacement Kent London

Lead Pipe Replacement Kent

McKenna Utilities specialise in the replacement of lead supply pipes and lead water mains.

We are a Thames Water approved contractor and all lead pipe replacements comply with UK Water Regulations.

Upon completion of your lead pipe replacement, a TAPS certification is provided. This certification is nationally recognized and accepted by all waterboards.

If your home was built before 1970 you could be drinking through a toxic lead pipe!

Most water authorities are offering a lead replacement scheme, meaning if you replace all the lead pipe on your property, they will then replace the lead pipe back to the main which feeds the street free of charge. The lead replacement scheme came into practice to help reduce the amount of lead content in our drinking water. Lead has now become a possible risk to you and people who live in your home so it is necessary to take required action by removing this threat from your water supply.

To make sure your property is eligible to this service you can contact your local water authority and they will confirm whether or not they will replace their side for free.

Groundworks Kent London

Groundworks Kent

McKenna Utilities are specialists in all types of groundworks.

Since the team at Impact Utilities have been in the water industry for over 30 years, it’s no surprise we’re not afraid of getting muddy!

We also carry out a wide range of groundworks from:

  • Trenching
  • Excavations
  • Drainage works
  • Soakaways and cesspits
  • Footings and foundations
  • Bulk excavations and site clearance
  • Demolition
  • Strip out

Groundwork is an essential aspect of developing any site. Our experience in the water industry has enabled us to provide a wide range of services in this area.

Water Safe
Thames Water